Bloomington Mayor to hold press conference on status of homeless
Bloomington Mayor Kerry Thomson is holding a press conference tomorrow on the topic of Street Homelessness and Bloomington’s Housing Action Plan. She will be joined by several non-profit partners and stated that this is an opportunity to share progress and plans, and to highlight the emergency housing action plan created by local service providers. This comes about a week after the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority published the latest data demonstratring that Bloomington’s region has 456 counted homeless, and 142 of those unsheltered, a near doubling from last year.
Six to be inducted into IU Athletics HoF
Indiana Athletics has announced the 2024 inductees to their Hall of Fame. Kayla Bashore (field hockey, Kevin Berry (men’s swimming, Danny O’Rourke (men’s soccer, Victor Oladipo (men’s basketball, Max Skirvin (radio broadcasting, and Jody Yin (women’s tennis. The class of 2024 will be the 39th to be inducted into the Indiana Athletics Hall of Fame, during their annual Hall of Fame dinner on Friday Septembver 20th. The class will then be honored the following day at halftime of Indiana football’s home game.
Murderer of 4 sentenced to 145 years
28 year-old Malik Halfacre, of Indianapolis has been sentenced after pleading guilty to killing 4 people in March of 2021. Halfacre shot his child’s mother and 3 of her family members over a federal stimulus check worth $1400. He received 145 years in prison.
Waldren Arts Center adds new shows
Bloomington’s Waldron Arts Center will present three new shows in the galleries for August and September. Manufactured Democracy, Up Close: Blooming Earth, and Maternity = Me/Ma + Eternity. These three new shows opened during last Friday’s Downtown Bloomington Gallery Walk.
465 in Indianapolis reopened
Indianapolis Commuters will be happy to know that The Indiana Department of Transportation: reopened Interstate 465 on Sunday morning, after three weeks of road maintenance. The stretch of highway between I-65 and I-70 is now open, and a day earlier than expected. Initially, INDOT reported that the interstate would reopen today.
This Week in Hoosier History

1823 – Oliver Hazard Perry Throck Morton, first Indiana born man to hold the office of Indiana Governor, born in Salisbury.

For more local news . . . Check out our archived episodes of What’s Happenin’ and Talkin’ Sports with Nick Jenkinson