Local News Headlines: June 27, 2027

More than half of Monroe County residents that had lost power during the storm on Tuesday afternoon have been restored, as Duke Energy outage maps state the numbers are down to 21 thousand. Additionally, Duke has announced that they will be communicating estimated times for restoration directly with customers. The good news is that they are expecting most customers to have power restored by midnight tonight.

Those who are still in need of shelter due to the storm, A shelter is open at The Salvation Army, 111 N Rogers St.

Bloomington’s Bicentennial Gateway contract approved, new design will replace earlier monolith proposal
The Bicentennial gateway planned to welcome people to Bloomington from the city’s north side is scheduled for completion in late 2024. The Board of Park Commissioners reviewed contracts to prepare the site on the north end of Miller-Showers Park, 1500 N. College Ave., for the Bicentennial gateway and a public art element; to build the limestone gateway wall; and to fabricate and install metal lettering and LED lighting on the gateway.

Following public feedback, the final gateway design concept introduced in January 2024 incorporates stacked limestone blocks and the word “Bloomington” in backlighted letters mounted to the limestone.

The Board approved an addendum to the $575,000 July 2023 Reed & Sons contract for $79,462 to cover modifications to the original site improvements necessitated by additional sidewalk work as well as the redesigned gateway. After a separate bid process was conducted for the updated gateway itself, Reed & Sons was also awarded a second contract for $249,750 to fabricate and install the limestone gateway wall. 

Bo-mar Industries of Beech Grove, Ind. was selected in May 2023 to fabricate the original vertical gateway element. For the redesigned gateway, bo-mar instead designed the metal lettering and LED lighting and was awarded a contract for $65,000 for its fabrication and installation.

As part of the redesign, and in response to public desire for art in this space, the Bloomington Arts Commission (BAC) will solicit design proposals for an additional public art piece located about 60 feet north of the gateway wall. The BAC will receive $125,000 from the Bicentennial Bond fund to solicit, select, and install a piece of public art in this location. Further announcements on this art piece will be made by the BAC.

Funding for the Bicentennial Gateway comes from a series of municipal bonds approved by a vote of the City Council in October 2018. A total of $1.25 million was earmarked for the design and construction of the city gateway. With the exclusion of the additional funds to the BAC, which will come from proceeds of the same Bicentennial Bond account, the project is expected to remain within the original budget.

The final Bicentennial gateway concept, scheduled for installation in Miller-Showers Park by the end of 2024.

Governor Eric J. Holcomb and Attorney General Todd Rokita seek execution date for convicted murderer
Governor Eric J. Holcomb announced today that he and Attorney General Todd Rokita are seeking the resumption of executions in Indiana prisons — starting with a convicted murderer responsible for the deaths of four people.

“After years of effort, the Indiana Department of Correction has acquired a drug — pentobarbital – which can be used to carry out executions. Accordingly, I am fulfilling my duties as governor to follow the law and move forward appropriately in this matter,” Gov. Holcomb said. 

Joseph Corcoran was found guilty of the 1997 murders of four people. He exhausted his appeals in 2016 and has been awaiting execution. 

“In Indiana, state law authorizes the death penalty as a means of providing justice for victims of society’s most heinous crimes and holding perpetrators accountable,” Attorney General Rokita said. “Further, it serves as an effective deterrent for certain potential offenders who might otherwise commit similar extreme crimes of violence. Now that the Indiana Department of Correction is prepared to carry out the lawfully imposed sentence, it’s incumbent on our justice system to immediately enable executions in our prisons to resume. Today, I am filing a motion asking the Indiana Supreme Court to set a date for the execution of Joseph Corcoran.” 

Mammoth Live and MOKB present Tenacious Dat IU Auditorium on October 22
With the 2024 election around the corner, Mammoth Live is proud to present Tenacious D to Rock D Vote on the IU Auditorium stage on October 22. IUB students, faculty, and staff can save $10 on selected locations when purchasing at IUauditorium.com. Use the drop down menu to see prices when purchasing. 

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