Local News Headlines: April 21, 2021

New Indiana state budget to give a funding boost to public schools
The proposed Indiana state budget will increase funding for public schools offer grant programs, and add several construction projects. Education funding will be increased 4.5% for each of the coming two years. Additional spending includes 3 billion in Federal subsidies, in which $500 million will be spent on regional economic development grants, $550 million for state building projects, and $250 million for broadband internet expansion.

McRobbie to deliver State of University
Indiana University President Michael A. McRobbie will deliver his final State of the University address on Tuesday, May 4th at 1:30pm. All members of the IU community and public are invited to virtually attend the address via livestream broadcasting at broadcast.iu.edu or on IU Bloomington Campus Cable Channel 5. McRobbie’s address will also be available for viewing the following ways:

  • Live on Digital Multicast Broadcast Channel WTIU-World 30.2, on Comcast/Xfinity Cable Channel 17 or Channel 419 or Channel 1162 in Bloomington, or where available.
  • On tape delay at 5 and 11 p.m. April 22 on Digital Multicast Broadcast Channel WTIU-HD 30.1, on WTIU Comcast/Xfinity Cable Channel 5 or Channel 1030 in Bloomington, or where available. Also available on IU campus cable channel 5.
  • Via archived broadcast, available soon after the address, at broadcast.iu.edu.

After 14 years as president and 24 years in senior positions at IU, McRobbie will step down for retirement. The Indiana University Board of Trustees has named Pamela Whitten as the university’s 19th president. Whitten will become IU’s first female President. A visionary scholar and accomplished educator and researcher, Whitten has held a variety of leadership roles, beginning at Michigan State University and now as president of Kennesaw State University. Whitten holds a Ph.D. in communication studies from the University of Kansas, a Master of Arts in communication from the University of Kentucky and a Bachelor of Science in management from Tulane University. She is an internationally recognized expert in the field of telemedicine.

Bloomington’s 7-Line Construction to Begin in May
Construction is expected to start in May on the 7-Line, a Bicentennial Bond project that will provide a protected east-west bicycle lane and improved bus corridor along 7th Street to connect the B-Line, downtown, Indiana University campus, and neighborhoods on the city’s east and west sides. The project will enhance and expand the conventional bike lane that already exists along parts of 7th Street by adding physical separation between bicyclists and auto traffic to improve comfort, safety, and efficiency for all road users. 

Extending from the B-Line Trail to Woodlawn Avenue, the first phase of the 7-Line, scheduled for completion by October 2021, will provide a direct route between downtown and campus, designed to increase ridership and improve access to nearby destinations.  The 7-Line is projected to extend east of the IU campus and west of the B-Line in subsequent phases. 

During construction, 7th Street will typically be open to westbound bicycle and motorist traffic only, with pedestrian traffic restricted to the sidewalk on the north side of the street. The City will share updates about changes to Bloomington Transit routes and schedules during construction. The City is coordinating with property owners and residents along the route to minimize impacts. 

Community members are invited to attend a virtual public meeting on Thursday, April 29 from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m to learn more about the upcoming construction of the 7-Line.

Information about joining the Zoom meeting follows:  https://bloomington.zoom.us/j/92290101863?pwd=VjdDQ0VzcFQvUndIRWg5WWJNK3RLUT09