Monroe County lawmakers encourage constituents to take 2024 issue survey
With Indiana’s lawmakers set to return to the Statehouse on Jan. 8 for the start of the 2024 legislative session, State Reps. Dave Hall (R-Norman) and Bob Heaton (R-Terre Haute) released online surveys to gather constituents’ feedback on important issues. To get started, local residents can visit Hall’s website at in.gov/h62 or Heaton’s website at in.gov/h46 and click on the red “Take My Survey” button.
“Feedback from the Hoosiers I represent at the Statehouse is so important in understanding what issues concern them the most,” Hall said. “I encourage the residents of House District 62 to take my survey before the Dec. 31 deadline.”
To complete online surveys, constituents must be a resident of the district and submit it by the Dec. 31 deadline. Constituents can check which House district they reside in by visiting the Indiana General Assembly’s website at iga.in.gov, clicking on “Find Your Legislator” on the homepage and entering a home address. Constituents can also expect to receive or may have already received a copy of their state representative’s survey mailer in their mailbox.
The 2024 legislative session begins Jan. 8 and must conclude by March 14. Hoosiers can stay informed and engaged by visiting iga.in.gov, where they can watch session and committee meetings, read proposed bills, and view calendars and agendas. To stay updated during the legislative session, Hoosiers can sign up for their legislator’s email newsletter by visiting IndianaHouseRepublicans.com and entering their email address under Subscribe to eNews.
Parks and Recreation requests feedback on second draft of park designs for Trades Park Master Plan
During a public meeting in City Hall on Dec. 7, Beech Grove, Ind.-based landscape architecture firm Mader Design presented the results of feedback gathered at and after the Sept. 28 Building Trades Park Master Plan public meeting.
Building Trades Park is located 619 W. Howe St., just north of the site of the former IU Health Bloomington Hospital.
Members of the public are welcome to share feedback about the updated ideas for Building Trades Park. Public input will be collected through Jan. 12, 2024.
For more information about the Building Trades Park Master Plan, or about additional opportunities for public input, contact Bloomington Parks and Recreation at 812-349-3700 or parks@bloomington.in.gov, or visit the Parks Project Update web page.
Evansville Fentanyl Dealer sentenced to 35 years in Federal Prison for Distribution Resulting in the Overdose of a 28 year-old Kentucky woman
Johntavis Matlock, 31, of Evansville, Indiana, has been sentenced to 35 years in federal prison. In September of 2023, a federal jury found Matlock guilty of distribution of heroin and fentanyl resulting in serious bodily injury. According to court documents and evidence introduced during trial, on December 11, 2020, Kentucky law enforcement officers responded to the overdose of 28-year-old, Lindsey Wiley in her Kentucky residence. Knowing about this near-death overdose, Matlock continued to invite Lindsey to buy heroin laced with fentanyl.
On February 28, 2021, EMS and local law enforcement responded to another overdose at the same residence. This time, they found Wiley deceased. The cause of death was determined to be an overdose caused by fentanyl intoxication. An examination of Wiley’s cell phone revealed that Wiley frequently purchased controlled substances from Matlock. From June of 2020 through February of 2021, Matlock coordinated with Wiley to sell her both heroin and fentanyl out of his home in Evansville, Indiana.
During the sentencing hearing, evidence was admitted showing that children lived in the residence from which Matlock sold heroin and fentanyl mixtures to Lindsey Wiley.
“The tragic death of Ms. Wiley highlights the tremendous danger posed by trafficking of fentanyl and other opioids,” said U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Indiana, Zachary A. Myers. “Substance use disorder is a devastating disease that international drug cartels and local dealers greedily exploit. Thanks to the hard work of our prosecutors, the DEA, EPD, ISP, and our partners in Kentucky law enforcement, no more families will lose a loved one because of this defendant while he is in federal prison.”
Bloomington’s HAND announces Homebuyers Club dates for 2024
The City’s Department of Housing and Neighborhood Development (HAND) will host five sessions of Homebuyers Club in 2024. Open to prospective homeowners across the community, the classes are targeted to first-time home buyers with income at or below 80 percent of area median income (AMI), with the goal of increasing accessibility to home ownership. Income-qualified residents who complete a Homebuyers Club and are purchasing a home within the city limits may qualify for assistance with downpayment and closing costs from HAND.
Homebuyers Club sessions will cover the following topics:
- Considering whether homeownership is the right option for you
- Developing a household budget and home-buying action plan
- Developing a savings plan, credit issues and credit repair
- Working with a realtor and determining the right home for you
- The importance of home inspections and how to value a home
- Learning about mortgages and finding the right one for you
- Protecting your investment through comprehensive home maintenance
- Accessing community and neighborhood resources
- Exploring funding assistance through local, state, and federal sources
Each session meets for two consecutive Saturdays: 9am-4pm on the first Saturday and 9am-1pm on the second Saturday. In order to complete the Homebuyers Club, participants must attend both Saturdays of the session for which they are registered. 2024 dates are listed below:
- Saturdays, January 20 and 27 (registration is now open)
- Saturdays, April 13 and 20
- Saturdays, July 13 and 20
- Saturdays, September 21 and 28
- Saturdays, November 9 and 16
The Homebuyers Club is open to all in the community at no cost. However, class size is limited and pre-registration is required. Registration opens approximately one month prior to each scheduled session. To register for the January session or to learn more about down payment and closing cost assistance available through HAND, please visit bloomington.in.gov/housing/home-buyers-club.
This Week in Hoosier History

1950 – 19-year old James Dean got his first paid acting role in a commercial for Pepsi. He had recently moved to California after graduating from high school in Fairmount, Indiana.

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